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American Porn by Heathcote Williams Read online
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Its Presidential toy
And the President’s wealth
Is increased by his term of office —
Otherwise, no change.
No one has vision.
It being beyond their Presidential imaginings
To think of a world beyond war.
Trump versus Clinton
November 2016
The total obscenity of the American Dream
Comes to fruition in Donald John Trump:
‘We need a leader that wrote The Art of the Deal,’
He declared, on his Presidential stump.
What’s wrong is that Trump’s best-selling volume,
On the virtues of property speculation,
Wasn’t written by him but by one Tony Schwarz
(Now dreading Trump as leader of his nation).
The Art of the Deal established Donald J. Trump
As the archetypal successful tycoon.
Schwarz presented him in the best possible light –
Striving to hide a poisonous buffoon.
‘I put lipstick on a pig,’ Schwarz later would say
When overcome with remorse,
For he’d branded Trump as a winning charmer –
One that an electorate could endorse.
Whereas, in his Presidential run-up, ‘the Donald’
Would soon reveal his true colours:
‘It really doesn’t matter what the media write’,
Trump says,
‘As long as you’ve got a young piece of ass.’
Despite self-enchanted claims to be a self-made man
Trump’s wealth has been largely inherited
From father Fred, a slum landlord and speculator,
Who was once notoriously prosecuted
By the US Justice Department for refusing
To rent to African-Americans —
To do so clashed with the beliefs Fred gleaned
From his attendance at Klu Klux Klan ralliesii.
It’s said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
And so the son is true to Fred’s prejudice
With Donald’s plans to exclude Mexicans with a wall
And to make Mexico pay for the privilege.
Trump’s first wife, Ivana, famously claimed
That Trump was a fan of Adolf Hitler
And that he kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches,
My New Order, in his bedside cabinet.
‘The beauty of me is that I’m very rich,’ says the gilded toad.
‘The point is, you can never be too greedy.
‘My IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it!’
He then changes gear to become simply creepy:
‘I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter,
‘Perhaps I would be dating her.’
If he can sink to using incest as a come-on to gain the White House
What’s to stop such a pervert killing her or perhaps eating her?
When the publisher Random House gave him an advance
Of half a million to write his autobiography,
They sent a mock-up to Trump Towers for his approval –
They’d not held back on the typography:
They’d featured his name, TRUMP, in gold block capitals
With him being depicted as a new Alexander the Great.
‘Please make my name much bigger,’ responded the man
Whose vampirish megalomania was his favourite trait.
Schwarz saw Trump as driven by an insatiable hunger
For ‘money, praise, and celebrity.’
He described him by saying, ‘He’s a living black hole!’
And he viewed his mindset with hilarity.
Trump would proclaim that an apartment
In one of his latest developments
Had been sold to a Prince or a Sultan
To add kudos to his establishment.
‘Prince Charles has bought several,’ he’d insist,
Although there wasn’t a shred of evidence,
But snobs and New York sheep fell for his ploy
And Trump gained his golden recompense.
This mega-vulgarian who blows his own trumpet
So hard you think he’s likely to blow a fuse –
This red-faced Aryan with his combed-over hair
Is a charlatan whose every game-plan is a ruse.
He has three thousand five hundred lawsuits pendingiii;
He takes rides on the ‘Lolita Express’
To a Caribbean island filled with underage girls
Thanks to Jeffrey Epstein, a slave to excess –
A convicted sex criminal, friends with Prince Andrew,
Bill Clinton, and other over-privileged sleazeballs.
Trump joined him as a sex-tourist and an orgy-goer
With a penchant for raping thirteen-year-old girls.
One alleged victim, not named in Court documents,
Claims that during one ‘savage sexual attack’
Trump tied her to a bed, then ‘proceeded to forcibly rape’ her
While she ‘loudly pleaded’ for him to stop.
The billionaire is alleged to have ‘screamed that he would do whatever he wanted,’
Struck her with his open hands then threatened the girl:
‘Were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual abuse,
‘She and her family would be “physically harmed if not killed”iv.’
At the age of 22, Trump had four military deferments
To get out of fighting in Vietnam.
He claimed he’d had an ‘uncomfortable bone’ in one his feet
Yet couldn’t remember which foot caused the ‘problem’.
That his millionaire father was instrumental in this great patriot
Avoiding Vietnam was also the truth –
Leaving Trump to say flippantly that his ‘personal Vietnam’
Was to have avoided sexual diseases in his youth.
Trump’s buildings are erected by craftsmen whose bills he often ignores.
His Trump University peddles Mickey Mouse degrees.
Here’s a man who declares war on ‘political correctness’
As it stops him from abusing whomsoever he pleases.
Foul-tempered and violent he singles out hecklers
To be beaten up or pepper-sprayed by bodyguards.
‘I’d like to punch him in the face,’ he says of a protester,
This Neanderthal, and virulently racist blow-hard.
Now imagine Donald Trump in the White House,
Conjuring his self-serving lies out of thin air.
With his sleek little fingers fondling the nuclear codes,
The demagogue grins and mutters, ‘Do I dare?’
‘It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!’
Is Trump’s take on an apocalyptic predicament.
‘It’s impossible to keep him focused on any topic,’ says Schwarz,
‘Other than his own self-aggrandizement.’
‘All Moslems should leave the United States now,’
Says Trump on a populist roll.
The US father of a Muslim soldier killed in action
Condemns Trump as ‘a black soul.’
It’s claimed by former MI6 agent, Chris Steele —
Who heard it from the Russian FSB —
That Donald Trump likes to pay prostitutes
To shower him with golden pee.
A recording was made in Moscow's Ritz-Carlton
Of the future President’s urophiliac peaks —
Blissfully unaware while bathing in hookers' widdle,
He was giving new meaning to Wikileaks.
Donald Trump’s warmongering ex-rival is little better –
A humourless Iron Lady in hock to Wall Street:
Who crows after Gaddafi’s murder by CIA stooges:
Sadistically gloating, ‘We ca
me; we saw; he died!’.
Secretary Hillary Clinton’s emails show that Libya’s plan
To create a gold-backed African currency to compete
With the dollar was the real motive for NATO intervention,
And Hillary’s death squad saw to it that the job was completev.
Hillary’s role in the bombing of Libya
As the US Secretary of State
Led to a body-count of over twelve thousand
And to the ISISvi regime of hate.
Clinton leaves a trail of more bloody coups:
Both in Honduras and in the Ukraine.
Appropriately, nine out of ten US arms makers
Are generously funding her campaign.
Despite 400,000 civilians being killed in Syria
This neo-con Mother Kali calls for more.
Unable to mind her own business, she demands
‘Regime change’… which is code for war.
Hillary Clinton’s support for Jihadists in Syria
Would further fuel the Islamic State –
Now with powerful US weapons and equipment
With which to ‘re-instate the Caliphate’.
She has armed Saudis with sophisticated weapons
To carry out genocide in Yemen.
‘The nuclear option should not be off the table,’
She said in relation to Iran.
Bill and Hillary’s private slush fund,
The Clinton Global Foundation,
Gives less than ten percent to charity
Despite its declared intentionsvii.
The Clinton Foundation exists to open the door
To the third world’s valuable resources:
If corporate interests donate to its crooked coffers
Then the Clintons will pressurize world leaders.
If these are the best candidates that are on offer
In the American Petri dish of democratic depravity,
Then maybe it’s time for the system to crumble
And to be replaced by non-violent anarchy.
It’s sick to have billionaires or their puppets
Controlling the future of the species.
American democracy doesn’t count as democracy
But as a notifiable disease.
President Donald J. Trump
World Emperor
‘Donald Trump looks like someone playing a President in a porno.’
– Frankie Boyle, America Autopsy, BBC 2
‘I don't like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see.’
– Donald Trump
On buying a beauty spot in Scotland for a golf-course
And for luxury condominiums,
Trump notices some old houses on the horizon
And he orders them bulldozed to oblivion.
On seeing a woman that he desires, he oafishly
Recommends ‘grabbing her pussy’.
He boasts that, ‘My fame lets me take liberties;
‘My fame allows me to abuse her.’
Trump’s grandfather ran brothels in the Yukon
And to his grandson, also, people are for sale.
Trump’s ego tells him he has supernatural powers
And that almost nothing is beyond the pale.
‘I will deport twelve million Latinos’, Donald insists —
This buddy of asset strippers and union busters —
A charlatan who papers over his character’s cracks
With bank loans and with megalomaniac bluster.
Trump was a casino owner (a synonym for gangster),
A suitable past for the President of casino capitalism
Who boasts about who he’s been able to shake down,
And who represents a home grown neo-fascism.
Trump’s a demagogue who’s prone to magical thinking
With a compulsion to build concrete penises
Upon which his name appears in enormous letters
And whose robotic staff repeat, ‘he’s a genius.’
He has pretended to be anti-establishment
And to be standing up for the little guy,
Yet without Wall Street and the Deutsche Bank
This exhibitionist parasite would die.
He’s a slave to his monumental indebtedness.
He owes six hundred million dollars.
But now that he’s President he can pay his creditors,
The mob and their sinister callers —
While doubtless remaining reluctant to pay taxes
For he regards tax evasion as an art.
When challenged about not filing his tax returns
He brags, ‘That makes me smartviii.’
He’s risen to power on the magniloquent claim
That he’ll make America great,
While representing the lowest common denominator
Of his country’s racist hate.
In 1992 Casino Control fined him $200,000
For removing African-American card dealers
From his Plaza Hotel’s casino to appease the racism
Of the Plaza’s big-spending gamblers.
Trump would disparage his black employees as ‘lazy’.
‘I’ve got black accountants and isn’t it funny?’ He’d say,
‘Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people
‘I want are short guys that wear yarmulkes every dayix.’
‘When Donald and Ivana came to the casino,’
Recalls Kip Brown, an employee at Trump’s Castle,
‘The bosses would order all the black people off the floor,’
He told the New Yorker in a 2015 articlex.
Regarding an African-American President
As an affront to his sensibility,
Trump became vocal in the ‘Birther’ movement
Questioning Obama’s legitimacy.
Trump failed to disavow the Ku Klux Klan
When they supported his candidacy;
He’d airily pretend he didn’t know who they were
With an ignorance approaching lunacy.
Donald J. Trump has been elected President
Of the US’s plutocratic pornocracy –
A plot twist, and suddenly the whole world
Is having to adjust to his squalid reality.
He believes women should suffer punishment
If they decide to have abortions.
He sees life as conquest and victory and winning,
As if in a childish competition.
In a half-hearted apology for mocking women’s looks
Trump says he does it ‘to be entertaining’ —
Unaware that he himself is overweight and bright
And hardly qualifies as an oil painting.
‘I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,’
Says Trump who advocates torture.
‘When I say they’ll do as I tell them, they’ll do as I tell themxi,’
Is how he plans to overcome any legal stricture.
Fifty billion tons of carbon dioxide a year are pumped
Into the atmosphere, causing deadly climate change,
Yet Trump says he’ll cancel the planet-saving treaties
The international community has arrangedxii.
Despite the polar ice-caps melting and sea levels rising,
He defies the science on global warming shamelessly
By putting Myron Ebell, a climate-change denier, paid by Exxon Mobil,
In charge of the Environmental Protection Agencyxiii.
So more earthquakes are certain to happen,
And extreme heat will now be inevitable.
One man’s hot air will have consequences
As air becomes less and less breathable.
‘We need some global warming. It’s freezing!’
Trump would joke while he was out campaigning
Then America’s Emperor repeats his strident rhetoric
And his insistence that ‘the swamp needs draining.’
When planning permission for Trump towers in Argentina was withheld,
The President Elect was displeased;
A call from Argentine Premier Mauricio Marci
Was used to urge that planning regulations be eased.
Trump using his office to promote Trump business,
His loose talk of nuclear weapons, make audiences shiver.
Before Donald J. Trump has even been inaugurated
He’s the most corrupt and dangerous President ever.
He may also be the nastiest.
He built a wall to block certain Scottish residents' view of the sea,
As revenge on those who campaigned against his golf course.